Tuesday, February 10, 2015

This blog makes no sense

No, I assure you, she does not need another drink. Maybe you should back off a little, don't you think? Relax? I am quite relaxed, sir. No, she most certainly does not need an escort home. I can handle it myself, thank you. No, you are the one who needs to chill out, sir.

Please don't call your friends over to distract me. I am now very much involved.

Hey, wait a second! I did not call you a rapist, why did you tell them that?

No, I did not call him that. No, I do not think he is a bad person. Excuse me? No, I am not crazy. We will be leaving now. No, I did not imply that he is a rapist! I know very little about him! I only asked him to back off. Why, you ask? How did you not notice? She asked three times for him to leave her alone, which he ignored!

Yes, Jennifer, you are coming with me. Can you quit falling over, please? Let's go. I promise we have had enough fun for tonight.

No, I am not a crazy bitch. I am only doing what I have been told over and over. Wouldn't you expect your friends to look out for you when you are incapable, sir? No? I am afraid I do not understand. Haven't you been told repeatedly? Always assume everyone is dangerous. No? Surely, then, you have seen the posters! Only you are responsible for your safety. No? You are not told everyday that you are accountable no matter how much you drink? You are not constantly reminded to respect others?  How absurd! How unfair! How backwards!

No, sir, neither of us would like a drink.

PSA: it's time to log off

Does this look familiar? Does it look fun? Do they look social? Like a community? What would you do in this situation? Wait! Let me guess! You would pull out your phone, wouldn't you? Of course you would! How awkward! The "cell phone effect" is a snowball.

How far will it go? Will it ever stop? According to Gary Shteyngart and the Auschwitz Selfie Girl the answer is no. Her holocaust-selfie offers a brief and terrifying glimpse into Shteyngart's future: social media exposure will dominate all other communication and all judgement will be made in terms of online popularity. What a terrifying prospect.

I know what you are thinking: I would never be so obsessed! Ten-years-ago-teens never would have imagined carrying an encyclopedia of the life of every acquaintance they have ever briefly encountered in their pockets, either... but look at us now! Those same teens are now the very grown-ups manically documenting the lives of their small children and forgetting to enjoy the everyday moments.

Wait! I know what you are thinking! Isn't this a blog? Like a social media blog? Yes, yes it is and it seems to be one of the most ironic places to discount social media. However, where else could I guarantee my message will reach its audience? Alas, here lies the paradox: how can one voice their opposition of social media to the to the intended audience (heavy social media users) without using the only common channel?

The solution is to log off and free yourself from the tethers of connectivity. It's not to say everyone should delete every online trace, but to remember that memories are equally, if not more, valuable if they never get posted online.

Life happens offline.

images: https://douglasgreen.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/friends-laughing.jpg, http://static.parade.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/do-we-text-too-much-ftr.jpg, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=http://img.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2014/07/620-breanna.jpg&w=1484

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Nannying is the Best Job in the World

I was a live-in nanny for my last two years of high school. Not everyone is cut out for the random hours, strange tasks, and insane conversations that come along with helping raise a 7-year-old, but the experience is invaluable. Suddenly being responsible for another life taught me so much that would have taken me years otherwise.
I would do it again in a heartbeat, and anyone who runs into the same opportunity should jump at the chance to take a crash course in growing up that is unlike any other.

Here was my schedule, five days a week:
6:00- Wake up. Get ready. Make lunches.
6:45- Wake Z up. Argue about brushing teeth.
6:49- Argue about brushing hair.
7:10-  Triple check Z has her glasses.
7:15- Put Z on the bus if her mom isn't home yet (spoiler: she isn't).
7:30-1:25 School.
2:45-5:00- Work at daycare. 
5:30-8:00- Work at the restaurant/Soccer practice/Have a "day off"
9:00- Be at Z's. Give her a bath. Argue about brushing teeth/hair.
9:30- Put Z in bed.
10:00- Z gets out of bed when she hears my friend/sister/boyfriend come in.
10:10- Put Z back in bed.
10:11- Put Z back in bed.
10:30- Put Z back in bed. Threaten to call mom.
11:30- Go to bed.

The question was always why? Why spend all your time with a 7-year-old? Why don't you get a real job? Why are there crayons all over your car? Why are you wearing a hello kitty headband? And for anyone who has never been in my position, here's why:

1. Organization
I can juggle schedules like it's my job (because it was). We're talking about time management here people and it isn't always pretty. When your days are scheduled down to the minute there is no time to forget the car seat because it will ruin everything. I will admit to this being a partial source of my perfectionism- but hey what's wrong with doing things the right way at the right time?

2. Responsibility
Nothing could have prepared me more for living on my own than living with Z. Nannies aren't only responsible for their own homework/chores/behavior, but also that of a child. There is grocery shopping, homework checking, doctor's appointments and uncontrollable tears. And the nanny takes care of it all.

3. Independence
Perhaps it was being a nanny, or perhaps it is simply a combination of aforementioned organization and responsibility, but the independence was liberating. With three jobs, the hours added up quick. I got paid to sleep. I got paid to watch movies and eat ice cream. I got paid to hang out with my 7-year-old best friend. I didn't have to ask my parents for money anymore and I never looked back.
When I got to college I was used to not seeing my family everyday. Transitioning was so easy because nannying had prepared me for being on my own.

4. Unconditional Love
It wasn't until Z asked me to be her "forever mom" that I realized the impact I was having on her life. Somewhere between eating chicken nuggets and laughing at Spongebob or the crazy new puppy, I formed an incredible bond with a little girl who will surely grow up to be an amazing woman. I may have helped teach her things like grammar and math, but she taught me things like patience and compassion.

I'm not saying it was easy. I'm not saying I never screwed up. I'm not saying I didn't miss out on this big game or that crazy party. What I am saying is that every minute I spent chasing Zoey around was invaluable to my own growth. I am saying I wouldn't be the person I am today if I never stepped outside my comfort zone. I am saying there is nothing more rewarding. I am saying that being a nanny is the best job in the entire world.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Searching for "Allison Blaisdell"

     Is this what celebrities feel like when they see themselves on TV?? Writing this blog is difficult because this experience has made me hyper-aware of my own presence online. My greatest issue with social media is the unconscious tendency to manipulate one's identity to reflect their best characteristics; therefore, however I describe my e-dentity in this post is just another extension of that tendency. I've recently attempted to back away from social media by simply posting less, and in the case of Facebook, not at all. This has resulted in a highly-visible online persona shaped by "tagged" posts from others. I am not a huge fan of the person I see.

     These photos scream "stereotypical college freshman" out partying day in and day out. I can see why all of my relatives are surprised when I tell them about the Honors Program and my straight As. The profile that they see provides little context. They don't see the countless hours I spend in the library every week. They don't see me volunteering. They don't see me washing dishes in the CSL to maintain independence from my parents. Because I don't post about it, they don't know it exists.
     One of the articles I read explained the paradox of excluding oneself from social media, but never being able to shake an online presence. The idea was that if you do not create your own e-dentitiy, everyone else will. I am afraid that's what I have let happen with my dumping-ground-for-tagged-posts Facebook profile.
    Anyway, Google also pulled up links to my Twitter feed, Instagram page, Pinterest account, a list of Illinois State Scholars published by my high school, and my grandma's online obituary from last September. I am more active on these sites, so I think they are more accurate, but I'm still not convinced they do a good job depicting my personality. 
     No matter how involved you are with social media, it simply cannot accurately reflect the complexity of human personality. Adding depth to it is far from the answer according to Super Sad True Love Story. I understand that social media does very little to benefit me, and presents an inaccurate description of me, but for some reason I am not quite ready to go offline.

Some food for thought:   

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"You'll Never Be Good Enough!" -Insta

     The massive photo catalog that is Instagram is used by over 300 MILLION photographers and boasts an upload rate of 58 pictures PER SECOND, making it one of the largest social media sites in the world (citation). Young adults make up a majority of Instagram users and are most susceptible to the number of likes = acceptance by others game. Materialism/Love/Parties/Boobs generally receive the most likes, so more and more get posted. An appalling majority of photos posted will fit into one of the following categories:

You don't have enough stuff (includes food pics)
     The presence of material objects increased exponentially just after Christmas. To be fair, I also encountered a handful of family pictures, but they pale in comparison.

You're not "in love" enough
     Occasionally an extension of materialism: "your significant other doesn't buy you enough stuff."

You're not fun enough
     You may or may not have been invited, but not being there was a huge mistake. You will hear about this party until next weekend, and so it goes. 

You're not sexy/attractive enough
      Either I unfollowed the worst offenders, or the #selfie era is on the decline. Yay!

     Each of the above photos were posted within the last day. I believe they represent an average personal Instagram timeline, granted I do not follow any brands like Nike or VS PINK. Regardless, as discussed last term in Self and Other as well as my Advertising Influence class, social media is purely a form of carefully designed self-advertisement. When people go to the trouble to dress up or put on makeup (aka become the "best" version of themselves), they want to document it. People want to be seen at their very best, so they only post pictures that depict an ideal life. This practice is so widely accepted that deviating from the glamorized norm has become an opportunity for comedy such as the "Average Life Goals" account that satirically posts pictures of New Balance sneakers and outdated mini vans.
     This practice has no written law, but society has encouraged it to the point that social media has become addictive and detrimental to the young population it attracts. Users see only these idealized lives and quickly develop a sense of inadequacy in their own experiences. In reality, there will always be someone richer, prettier, more talented, and more outgoing... but also in reality, these people are represented incorrectly. Eliminating Instagram is not the solution, the solution is to be conscious of these norms to use social media in a positive way.

     Healthy ways to use Instagram:
          1. Don't always fall for it. Be skeptical of the volunteers wearing expensive
              jewelry, tons of makeup and taking photos instead of volunteering. You
              are the epitome of this post.
          2. Don't "post to please." Post what you like, or what makes you happy.
          3. Put the phone down. Anything is okay in moderation, but never forget that
              you are so much more than that profile and your number of followers.

Disclaimer: I love Instagram. I actively (although consciously) participate in the very oppression that I am critiquing. Also, none of these photos are my own, but I have excluded their owners to respect privacy

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Civilly Disagreeing with Thoreau

     Thoreau's 1849 On Resistance to Civil Disobedience has influenced countless radical transcendentalists by promoting dissent from "unjust government." Thoreau, himself, spent a brief time in jail for refusing to pay taxes imposed by the slavery-supporting United States. The pictures is for more than just a laugh; Thoreau argues that action, despite consequences, is the only true form of rebellion. Simply speaking out against a cause is reduced to hypocrisy in Thoreau's eyes because the speaker is not so dedicated that he would risk his own safety in defense of his beliefs.

     The problem with Thoreau's system of self-government is that is it impossible to satisfy the vast majority of moral obligations that Americans have. There are extreme pacifists, radically violent activists and people of every degree in between being governed under one law. Ethics are entirely subjective and vary greatly within a community of people.

     If everyone who did not agree with a law disobeyed it, the government would be collecting little to no taxes, food would be unsafe to eat, transportation would be dangerous, and people would live in constant fear of being killed by someone they rubbed the wrong way. There is no order in a place where people have no respect for authority. Have you seen The Purge? If I do not agree with a group of people, even if its the pro-slavery South, who says that I have the right to kill every single one of them? Who says I don't? National governments have taken on the role of mediator between beliefs by limiting the freedom of the individual for the benefit of society.

     In my life I have benefited from countless privileges: geographical, socioeconomic, racial, etc, etc, etc. I cannot imagine feeling so strongly about such a moral failure as slavery and my grievance going ignored by anyone in power. Thoreau also lived in a completely different time period; rapid transmission of communication via Internet could have changed his whole outlook on "spreading awareness" and hypocrisy. Thoreau and my own perspectives are hardly comparable, so it is difficult to say whether or no I disagree with him or just do not fully understand his point of view.

     Middle ground, however, does exist. The American government was developed in a way that depends on disobedience to ensure a government "by the people, for the people." The First Amendment ensures freedom of speech regardless of political motivations. Without dissenters such as Thoreau, we would have no progress. While not everyone can run wild and wreak havoc because they do not agree with governmental law, where would we be if Martin Luther King Jr. did not write his Letters from Birmingham Jail? Or if the founding fathers never signed the Declaration of Independence? America was built and has progressed on a solid foundation of dissenters and can only survive if disobedience does.

Losing an argument can mean many things from understanding others' perspectives, or simply being reminded that everyone sees the world from a different lens you will never fully comprehend. In this case, I think it is equally important to recognize that Thoreau's beliefs do work and that some of the most revolutionary causes were started by a single dissenter who ignored the law. 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

8 Responses to "Accounting is Too Boring For You!"

If you have ever been an Accounting major, you've heard it all. So you're really good at math, right? So you love tax season? That sounds SO boring. You'll want out of that career in less than a year. But what do you say? No doesn't get rude relatives off your back, but have no fear; here are ten responses that are more effective than rolling your eyes just in time for the holidays.

1. Data entry is an entry-level position.
Yeah, I will spend a lot of time in front of spreadsheets. But entering numbers from incoming and outgoing invoices all day long is an intern's responsibility. I'll do it for a year or two, and then move on to bigger things: helping executives make big decisions, predicting markets, eliminating expense to increase profit.

2. Accounting is the heart of any company.
Without meticulously well kept financial records, a business has no way of knowing if they are operating on a profit or loss. Without a go-to person who can explain the company at any given time, owners and investors cannot make informed decisions. Every business needs someone to keep track of its legal liabilities. Accountants keep companies alive, what's boring about that?

3. I do more than taxes.
It's widely accepted taxes are a necessary evil. I happen to study not only how to do my own, yours, and even the massive undertaking that is corporate taxation; but I also study so much more than that. I didn't choose accounting to do taxes for the rest of my life, I chose accounting to understand the intricate structures that underlay business (which includes taxes). 

4. What is wrong with structure?
I am the student that dreaded the "Art Studies" graduation requirement. Vague theories don't make sense to me. I understand what I can see in front of me and I appreciate regulations like the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. When the pieces all fit together and debits equal credits, I feel relieved. In Accounting, you know immediately if you made a mistake and often how to fix it; perfectionists like myself appreciate that. 

5. Change is constant.
There will always be new rules, new products, new audits, new technology, and new challenges to overcome. There is nothing boring about learning new things everyday and being apart of the progress of an industry.

6. You have never heard of Forensic Accounting.
When some corporations are in financial trouble, they will go to great lengths to cover their failure ie. falsifying statements. Forensic accountants and auditors serve to find and rectify these companies. Investigations can take months or even years and result in settlements in the billions. The work these people do can affect several companies and thousands of people. On a scale that large, nothing is boring.

7. You can double, triple, or even quadruple it up.
Why not? Adding a double major in Finance, Management, International Business, or even Pre-Law opens countless doors for acceptance into graduate school or mobility within a career. With management training, accountants have the training and knowledge to start their own business without contracting out their financial work. Graduate degrees in other disciplines can offer jobs such as Chief Financial Officer and even Chief Executive Officer. 

8. You can do anything with a CMA.
Every single business needs some type of accounting figure, and that is where a Certified Managerial Accountant comes in. From mega-corporations to small non-profits, every company needs someone to handle their finances. No matter what your skill sets or interests, there is opportunity to be a part of any industry. In the event you do get end up getting bored working for a BioTech company, switch it up and transfer to a Clothing Design Corporation; the options are endless and the upward mobility is limitless for someone who understands underlying business operations.

Photos: http://www.scpolicycouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/taxes.jpg http://www.youngandprosperous.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/managers.jpg http://blog.marketo.com/2013/06/the-problems-with-using-spreadsheets-to-manage-your-marketing-budget.html https://www.goldenkey.org/programs-privileges/graduate-school-opportunities/ http://microvisionsinc.com/tag/new-technology/ http://www.itsgov.com/forensic-accounting-abc.html